“But God … has Listened to and Heard My Prayer” Part2
FOCUS (the core of the content to be communicated)
“But God” will always be two of the best coupled words in scripture. Last week we heard God speak through Joseph when he said, “But God sent me ahead of you.” This morning we’ll hear God speak through an unnamed psalm writer saying. “but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.”
All of us & everyone everywhere share many things in common. One of them is we need to prayer. Another is we constantly struggle to do. Another is there will always be room for improvement.
Today we will hear “But God” again, this time attached to the business & blessing of prayer. May it spur us on to pray more meaningful & effective prayers.
Knowing God hears & answers prayer …
1. initiates the declaration of His power & expression of His praise.
Our witness is the overflow of our love for & gratitude toward God. / Psalm 66:16-17
2. invigorates, validates & animates our relationship with Him.
As we continue to pray knowing God hears & answers us, we too will find ourselves
saying “but God” with a greater frequency, intensity & understanding. / Psalm 66:18-20
Making It Real
1] How free do you sense the psalmist is here? How often do you praise God?
2] As you ponder vs 18 & 19 especially, where do you see yourself in them?
Action Step
Memorize these five verses. You can do it. It will free you up. You will be changed.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page October 30, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com